

Many of today’s environmental challenges like climate change share a basic principle – the tragedy of the commons. This simulation game aims to make this principle, which essentially revolves around the effects of many individual decisions on a jointly used resource and their
repercussions on the community, tangible.

With the supplementary interactive learning materials, students analyse critical resources (such as land). In addition, solutions for sustainable resource use from the literature and the creative treasure of the participants will be compared. As a result, the participants should later be able to recognize patterns of unsustainable resource use in their environment and their own potential for action for a correspondingly more sustainable design.

In the ResourceRation game, each of you is individually responsible for a small business. You are required to buy resources for this business. To this end, you will receive starting capital and, at intervals, earnings generated by your business activities. The game ends when one person has played all their personal playing tokens, there is a long period in which many players have run out of money, or when all the resources have been used up.


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