Take your class to visit a home that uses solar power or tour a solar panel factory. Alternatively, you could invite an engineer to speak about solar power options
The list of companies available for study visits by schools is shown in the “About us” section. It is a good idea that the teacher has a conversation with the homeowner or factory representative prior to the visit. In this conversation the teacher can explain the purpose and learning outcomes of the visit and ensure that there will be time for students to ask questions. Then the teacher can prepare the students for the visit and discuss what possible questions they may like to ask, thinking about how this may help with the next step, to create and communicate materials for other audiences.
Examples of questions to ask at the site visit or of the engineer: “What kind of problems have you been facing?” “What have been the benefits?” “What obstacles do you foresee for the future?” “How do you go about finding solutions?”
After the visit the students should have a debriefing where everything that they learnt, and any remaining questions, can be discussed.
What will be created by the students can also be shared later with the homeowner, factory rep or visiting engineer by way of saying thank you for their time and to demonstrate what the children have learnt.